We're making room for some exciting new products, so we've put a selection of items on sale while supplies last!
All small jars of our botanical facial masks are 40% off as we're eliminating this size. But don't worry! We're keeping our mask sampler set.
All Aromatherapy Spray are also 40% off as we make room for a brand new scent series. A few of your old favorites will stay the same, but we are eliminating some scents as well. If you're partial to one of these sprays, now is the time to stock up!
It's time again to temporarily say goodbye to our Limited Edition beard oil scents. All of these scents will return in September, but take advantage of the low price now if there's one you simply can't live without.
And finally, we ended up with a few extra Refresh Stimulating Skin Care Gift Sets over the holidays so we've included them in the sale as well. Grab one of these sets for yourself or as a gift for just $12.00 while supplies last!
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